World View

My foundational view of the world is this: Nurturing and educating children trumps all other goals. As the population of Earth continues to explode, it becomes more difficult to provide healthy food and social structure to the newest members of the human species. With the current rise of fascism, the history of ideas is fading from curriculae globally. Whatever ails the planet is best addressed by preparing the young with the broadest understanding of the history of life as we know it. In one generation, the world can dramatically change and it behooves us to share our knowledge with the new people.

I research physics, compose and play music, and write. My current physics research is in shared symmetries in gauged quantum field theories, specifically QED and QCD. My current musical goal is to complete the recordings of my original work for the Library of Congress. Having completed a season of my EssayCast, in which I discuss original essays, I'm writing my first book which is a collection of auto-biographical stories from my past.

I am open to collaboration and community and look forward to meeting you.


"The question becomes: What choice does any human have, in any time or place, to influence the course of their future?"


World peace through the global education of children.


Growing up in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, my earliest memories are of Beethoven, precision tools, and heated conversations. After years of fascination with discarded electronics, an early practice of the violin, and an aversion to fiction, I found physics, essays, and the piano. I have had the great fortune of studying with brilliant scientists, learning music from world-class musicans, and, growing up in New York City, being been introduced to writing of all genres by a multitude of writers by virtue of public readings and an endless supply of books. Having enjoyed a fabulous lifelong education, I continue to create and collaborate, however, I am beginning to look toward service and paying forward all that has been shared with me.

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